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A greater need for female condoms, HIV summit told

The Star (South Africa), September 01, 2011 Thursday

A greater need for female condoms, HIV summit told;
But many women don't know how to use them

While NGOs are pushing for an increased use and supply of the female condom, the group of women in most need of protection have no idea how to use it.

At the second annual Women's HIV Prevention Summit at Emperors Palace yesterday, Midwives Aids Alliance director Edith Moosa called for increased focus on the new design female condoms as the main form of protection against HIV/Aids and sexually transmitted diseases.

This would be while results are awaited from two microbicide gel clinical trials that could see the production of the first microbicide gel.

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What else to look for

How to use it

Instructions on the use of the female condom

Why use it

Imagine a device that can be worn by a woman during sex...

The facts

Why female condoms should be accessible for all


Acceptance levels vary from 41 to 95 per cent


Increased uptake and more consistent and continued contraceptive use


We need an increase in variety of female condoms